
Products & Services

Fine Chemicals

Hualu, as navigator pioneer in the development of the fine chemical industry development in China, has achieved a suite of patent and proprietary technologies based on our distinguished research and development strength together with abundant engineering practices, with capability to supply to customers project services starting from process design package preparation through to EPCC construction.


Hualu has completed the first 10 kt/a MA plant in China and the largest MA plant in the world with a single train capacity of 100 kt/a. Hualu has also completed the first 8 kt/a DMF plant in China and the largest scale DMF plant in the world with a single train capacity of 100 kt/a. Hualu’s proprietary process technology for production of CMS has been licensed in more than ten plants worldwide, accounting for 80%+ of the total CMS output in China..


Hualu has witnessed the entire development history of 2-EH/butanols in China, by building the 1st gas-phase low-pressure carbonylation plant in 1986, the 1st liquid-phase low-pressure carbonylation plant in 1998, the biggest single train octyl alcohol plant in 2003. The aggregate outputs of 2-EH/butanols produced from facilities designed and constructed by Hualu account for more than 80% of the national total.


Hualu has also designed and constructed the first 20 kt/a commercial BDO plant based on Reppe route, and the largest 200 kt/a BDO plant in China using the same process technology.

main products
BDO and its derivatives (THF, PTMEG, GBL and NMP) CMS, ECH and Hydrogen Chloride Oxidation,Crylic Acid Acrylate,DOP Melamine, MA,DMF,Ethylamine,MEA,DMEA Nitric Acid,Ammonia Nitrate,Sulfuric Acid,Hydrochloric Acid,Caustic Soda,Potash,Potash Fertilizer Pharmaceutical:active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished products Pesticide and Dye: Glyphosate, Difenzoquat and Dyestuff Food Engineering: Methionine, Food Grade Carbon Dioxide, Edible Oil and Essence National Defense Chemicals
舒城县| 仁布县| 崇州市| 田林县| 常宁市| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 泉州市| 常德市| 长岭县| 钟山县| 额尔古纳市| 博野县| 邮箱| 剑河县| 自治县| 大新县| 芮城县| 从化市| 彩票| 阿拉善右旗| 舒城县| 海林市| 正镶白旗| 蒙自县| 嘉鱼县| 馆陶县| 朝阳县| 遵义市| 同心县| 鄂尔多斯市| 扎兰屯市| 炉霍县| 类乌齐县| 东安县| 富锦市| 宣化县| 洪雅县| 桑日县| 康平县| 邹平县| 奉化市|